Senin, 25 Juli 2016

Business English (Task 4)

Me in 2021.

I can not imagine it. At the time I reached 27 years old.
Am I married? Am I still a bachelor? Where do I work? Where will I stay? Only time can answer that.

I hope when my age is already 27 years old, I had enough in terms of finances, I've matured in the work, I was studying for a Master of Accountancy, I was married and had one son, happy, Have a lot of friends, is already exploring Indonesia, and many activities other things that I want.
May the Lord Jesus bless my expectations. Amen

Senin, 11 Juli 2016

Business English, Task 3

My Experience in Tanjung Benoa, Bali. 

Tanjung Benoa is a village famous for travel . Geographically , the area is located at the southwestern tip of the 'foot ' of the island of Bali . I got a chance to visit her on May 28, 2015 last . This place offers a variety of water sports activities . Among them are Banana Boat , Scuba Diving , Parasailing , Travel Turtle Island, snorkling , Etc. I come into play Parasailing and Scuba Diving. To participate in this event, is certainly not free. There is a price to pay. For Parasailing, I had to pay Rp 100,000, -
is one of the favorite types of games. Not only the tourists in the country, the foreign tourists who did in fact have a greater adrenaline capacity of Indonesian people are very highly favored this game. Therefore, the game is never quiet and guaranteed to stand in line if we intend to try.
The thrill of playing parasailing? hmm .. really can not be described. Imagine, if the altitude is around 70-100 meters above sea level with only 2 harnace or leash that holds our body. Actually it is not appropriate if dikatan by holding hehe, harnace only becomes a tool that menguhubungkan our parachute with a speedboat which was then used as our attractive proposition. Speedboat strong pull coupled with the wind pressure will make our body parachute slowly upwards Persing soar like a kite being diamainkan hihi. After that we will continue to be drawn and taken spin Tanjung Benoa beach enjoying the view from above during a round 1x (about 5-10 minutes).
Seeing the game procedure that seems to make the heart we left behind when we soar below it certainly questionable safety. However, the guide has broken doubt it. Tim guides and instructors are trained people and thus has a very high flying hours. So before someone dibumbungkan up, they will check the safety rating, wind speed and safety prediction and is not to be missed is the power reins associated in a speedboat.
After all safe, we will immediately confronted by the fact that stressful hehehe. Seeing that very very exciting game, must have a lot of small children who whine like to try it. Thus the origin of small children at least 6 years old and had been allowed to play this game, the records must hand in or accompanied by a guide or instructor.
To increase security, you are right supplemented by some safety equipment like slop hand, buoys and other safety equipment.

Senin, 13 Juni 2016

Paragraf dalam Bentuk Simple Preset Tense (English Business, Task 2)

      Joko lives in Medan. He has a book. Now, he wants to read. Joko reads book in a room. Joko has a friend. Her name is Katrin. She is not from Medan.
Katrin calls Joko. She wants to play with Joko. 
Katrin asks him, “Do you want to play with me?”
Joko answers, “Yes, I want to play with you.”
Joko and Katrin play together. 
    After hours, Joko asks Katrin, 
“Are you hungry?” 
Katrin replies, “Yes, I am hungry.”
At last, they go to kitchen for eating. Joko does not like chicken. He eats vegetables. Katrin eats chicken but she does not like vegetables. They do not like eggs.

Reference :

Sabtu, 09 April 2016


Simple Present Tense, Present Continuous Tense, Present Perfect Tense

A. Simple Present Tense
     berfungsi untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan/kebiasaan yang dilakukan berulang-ulang kali.
     berfungsi untuk menyatakan suatu fakta atau kejadian yang terjadi pada saat ini.

Time Signal :
usually, always, everytime, everyday, every, sometimes, frequenly, regularly, ect.
Subject            to be
I                        am
You                   are
We                    are
They                  are
She                     is
He                      is
It                        is

Formula :
Positive --> (S + to be + C) 
Negative ----> (S+To be+ NOT + C)
Interogative ---> (To be + S + C ?)

Kalimat tanpa kata kerja
 Contoh kalimat : (+) He is smart
                           (-) He is not smart
                           (?) Is he smart? 

Kalimat dengan kata kerja 
Contoh kalimat : (+) I watch movie in Plaza Senayan XXI
                          (-) I do not watch movie in Plaza Senayan XXI
                          (?) Do you watch movie in Plaza Senayan XXI?
                          Yes, I do / No, I do not.

Kalimat Passive : The movie is watched by me in Plaza Senayan XXI.

B. Present Continuous Tense
 menyatakan suatu kejadian yang "sedang" berlangsung saat ini.

Time signal : now, at present,at the moment, right now, look/listen, etc.
Formula : S + to be + V(ing) + C

Contoh Kalimat :
(+) Katrin is watching Finding Dory
(-) Katrin is not watching Finding Dory
(?) Is Katrin watching Finding Dory?

Kalimat Passive : Finding Dory is being watch by Katrin.

C. Present Perfect Tense
Menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang telah terjadi dan masih berlangsung hingga saat ini. 

Time Signal : since, for, already, yet, just, lately, recently, etc.
Formula :  (S + have/has + V3 + C)

Contoh Kalimat :   
 (+) I have studied this tenses before
 (-) I have not studied this tenses before
 (?) Have you studied this tenses before ?
Pasif : The tenses has been studied by me