Senin, 13 Juni 2016

Paragraf dalam Bentuk Simple Preset Tense (English Business, Task 2)

      Joko lives in Medan. He has a book. Now, he wants to read. Joko reads book in a room. Joko has a friend. Her name is Katrin. She is not from Medan.
Katrin calls Joko. She wants to play with Joko. 
Katrin asks him, “Do you want to play with me?”
Joko answers, “Yes, I want to play with you.”
Joko and Katrin play together. 
    After hours, Joko asks Katrin, 
“Are you hungry?” 
Katrin replies, “Yes, I am hungry.”
At last, they go to kitchen for eating. Joko does not like chicken. He eats vegetables. Katrin eats chicken but she does not like vegetables. They do not like eggs.

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